Exploring the SELECT DISTINCT Statement in SQL

In the realm of relational databases, the SELECT DISTINCT statement serves as a powerful means to retrieve unique values from specified columns. Whether you're aiming to eliminate duplicate records from query results or analyze distinct values, comprehending the syntax and functionality of SELECT DISTINCT is crucial for effective data retrieval. In this detailed guide, we'll delve into the SELECT DISTINCT statement, elucidating its purpose, syntax, examples, and various scenarios where it can be applied.

Introduction to SELECT DISTINCT Statement:

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The SELECT DISTINCT statement in SQL facilitates the retrieval of unique values from one or more columns within a table. It filters out duplicate records, offering a concise view of the distinct values present in the specified column(s).

Syntax of SELECT DISTINCT Statement:

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The basic syntax of the SELECT DISTINCT statement is as follows:

SELECT DISTINCT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name; 
  • column1, column2, ...: Columns from which unique values will be retrieved.
  • table_name: The name of the table from which data will be queried.

Examples of SELECT DISTINCT Statement:

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1. Retrieving Unique Values from a Single Column:

SELECT DISTINCT city FROM customers; 

This query retrieves unique city names from the customers table, removing duplicate entries.

2. Retrieving Unique Values from Multiple Columns:

SELECT DISTINCT city, country FROM customers; 

This query retrieves unique combinations of city and country from the customers table, eliminating duplicates based on both columns.

3. Using Aliases with SELECT DISTINCT:

SELECT DISTINCT first_name AS fname, last_name AS lname FROM employees; 

This query retrieves unique combinations of first and last names from the employees table, utilizing aliases to rename the columns in the result set.


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The SELECT DISTINCT statement in SQL offers a versatile approach to retrieving unique values from tables. By grasping its syntax and leveraging its capabilities, you can efficiently analyze data and generate meaningful insights. Whether you're dealing with single or multiple columns, the SELECT DISTINCT statement provides a valuable tool for data exploration and analysis in SQL databases.