ReactJS Flux

Flux is an architecture for building client-side applications that was created by Facebook. It is not a specific library or framework, but rather a pattern for managing data flow in an application. Here is a detailed example of how to use the Flux pattern in a React application:

  1. Actions: In Flux, actions are the only way to modify data in the application. An action is a simple object that describes the change that should be made. Here is an example of how to define an action in a Flux application:
// action types 
const ADD_TODO = 'ADD_TODO'; 

// action creator function 
addTodo(text) { 
	return { type: ADD_TODO, text }; 

In this example, the addTodo action creator returns an action object with a type of ADD_TODO and a text payload.

  1. Dispatcher: The dispatcher is the central hub that manages all actions in a Flux application. When an action is created, it is passed to the dispatcher, which then broadcasts the action to all stores that are interested in it. Here is an example of how to use the dispatcher in a Flux application:
import { Dispatcher } from 'flux'; 

const dispatcher = new Dispatcher(); 

dispatcher.dispatch(addTodo('Write code')); 

In this example, the dispatcher is used to dispatch the addTodo action to all stores that are interested in it.

  1. Stores: Stores are the containers for application state in a Flux application. They are responsible for maintaining the state of the application and responding to actions dispatched by the dispatcher. Here is an example of how to define a store in a Flux application:
import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; 
class TodoStore extends EventEmitter { 
	constructor() { 
		this.todos = []; 
	getAll() { 
		return this.todos; 
	handleActions(action) { 
		switch (action.type) { 
			case ADD_TODO: 
				this.todos.push({ text: action.text, complete: false }); 
			default: break; 
		} } }; 
	const todoStore = new TodoStore(); 

In this example, the TodoStore class extends the EventEmitter class, which allows it to emit change events to be listened to by the view. The TodoStore has a todos property to store the list of todos and a getAll method to get the list of todos. The handleActions method is responsible for responding to actions dispatched by the dispatcher. When the ADD_TODO action is dispatched, the TodoStore adds a new todo to the list and emits a change event.

  1. Views: In a Flux application, the view is responsible for rendering the UI and reacting to user interactions. It listens for change events from stores and updates the UI accordingly.
import React from 'react'; 
class TodoList extends React.Component { 
	constructor() { 
		this.state = { todos: todoStore.getAll() }; 
	componentWillMount() { 
		todoStore.on('change', () => { 
			this.setState({ todos: todoStore.getAll() }); 
	render() { 
		const { todos } = this.state; 
		return ( <div> { => ( <div key={todo.text}>{todo.text}</div> ))} </div> ); } } 

In this example, the TodoList component is a view that displays a list of todos. It uses the todoStore to get the list of todos and render them in the UI. It also listens for change events from the todoStore and updates the UI accordingly.

Here is a summary of the main components of the Flux pattern and how they work together in a React application:

  1. Actions: Actions are simple objects that describe a change that should be made to the application state. They are created by action creators and dispatched to the dispatcher.

  2. Dispatcher: The dispatcher is the central hub that manages all actions in the application. It receives actions from action creators and broadcasts them to all stores that are interested in them.

  3. Stores: Stores are the containers for application state in the application. They are responsible for maintaining the state of the application and responding to actions dispatched by the dispatcher. They also emit change events that the view can listen to and update the UI accordingly.

  4. Views: Views are the components that render the UI and react to user interactions. They listen for change events from stores and update the UI accordingly.

By following this pattern, you can create a clear separation of concerns in your React application, making it easier to manage the data flow and maintain the application.