Handling Skewed Data in PySpark Applications


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Welcome to our tutorial on handling skewed data in PySpark applications! Skewed data can cause performance bottlenecks and resource imbalances in distributed processing systems like Apache Spark. In this blog post, we will discuss various techniques to manage and process skewed data effectively in PySpark. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to identify and address data skew issues in your PySpark applications.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to Data Skew

  2. Identifying Skewed Data in PySpark

  3. Techniques for Handling Skewed Data

    • Repartitioning
    • Salting
    • Adaptive Query Execution
  4. Practical Examples

    • Example 1: Handling Skewed Joins
    • Example 2: Managing Skewed GroupBy Operations
  5. Conclusion

Introduction to Data Skew

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Data skew is a common problem in distributed data processing systems, where the data is not evenly distributed across partitions. This imbalance can lead to some tasks taking much longer to complete than others, causing bottlenecks and inefficient resource usage. Data skew can occur due to various reasons, such as an uneven distribution of keys, imbalanced partitioning, or skewed join operations.

Identifying Skewed Data in PySpark

Before addressing skewed data, you must identify it. You can detect data skew by examining the execution plan and monitoring your Spark application using the Spark web UI. Look for tasks with significantly longer durations or larger input data sizes compared to others. The Spark UI can also provide insights into how data is partitioned, as well as the distribution of keys in your dataset.

Techniques for Handling Skewed Data

In this section, we will discuss several techniques for handling skewed data in PySpark applications, including repartitioning, salting, and adaptive query execution.


Repartitioning the data can help balance the workload across tasks by redistributing the data evenly. You can use the repartition() or repartitionByRange() functions in PySpark to change the number of partitions or partition your data based on specific columns:

# Repartition the data into a specified number of partitions data = data.repartition(100) # Repartition the data based on a specific column data = data.repartition("column_name") 


Salting is a technique that involves adding a random prefix to the keys before performing operations that may cause data skew, such as joins or groupBy operations. This process helps distribute the keys more evenly across partitions, reducing the chances of data skew:

from pyspark.sql.functions import rand 
# Add a random salt to the key column 
data = data.withColumn("salted_key", concat(col("key"), lit("-"), (rand() * num_salts).cast(IntegerType()))) 

# Perform the join or groupBy operation using the salted key 
result = data.groupBy("salted_key").agg(...) 

Remember to remove the salt after performing the required operation.

Adaptive Query Execution

Starting with Spark 3.0, Adaptive Query Execution (AQE) is available as an optimization feature that can automatically handle skewed data during query execution. AQE can adaptively change the query plan based on runtime statistics, adjusting the degree of parallelism, handling skewed joins, and optimizing the aggregation process. To enable AQE, set the following configuration:

spark.conf.set("spark.sql.adaptive.enabled", True) 

Practical Examples

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In this section, we will walk through two practical examples of handling skewed data in PySpark applications, focusing on skewed joins and skewed groupBy operations.

Example 1: Handling Skewed Joins

In this example, we'll address the issue of skewed data in a join operation. We will use the salting technique to distribute the keys more evenly across partitions:

from pyspark.sql.functions import rand, concat, col, lit 
from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType 

# DataFrames with skewed data 
df1 = ... 
df2 = ... 

# Number of salts to use 
num_salts = 100 

# Add a random salt to the key column in both DataFrames 
df1 = df1.withColumn("salted_key", concat(col("key"), lit("-"), (rand() * num_salts).cast(IntegerType()))) 
df2 = df2.withColumn("salted_key", concat(col("key"), lit("-"), (rand() * num_salts).cast(IntegerType()))) 

# Perform the join using the salted key 
joined_df = df1.join(df2, df1.salted_key == df2.salted_key) 

# Remove the salted key and duplicates if necessary 
result_df = joined_df.drop("salted_key").distinct() 

Example 2: Managing Skewed GroupBy Operations

In this example, we'll address skewed data in a groupBy operation using the salting technique:

from pyspark.sql.functions import rand, concat, col, lit 
from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType 

# DataFrame with skewed data 
data = ... 

# Number of salts to use 
num_salts = 100 

# Add a random salt to the key column 
data = data.withColumn("salted_key", concat(col("key"), lit("-"), (rand() * num_salts).cast(IntegerType()))) 

# Perform the groupBy operation using the salted key 
aggregated_data = data.groupBy("salted_key").agg(...) 

# Remove the salt from the key and perform a final aggregation if necessary 
result_data = aggregated_data.withColumn("key", expr("substring(salted_key, 1, length(salted_key) - instr(salted_key, '-') - 1)")).drop("salted_key") 
result_data = result_data.groupBy("key").agg(...) 


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In this tutorial, we explored the concept of data skew, its impact on PySpark applications, and various techniques to handle it, including repartitioning, salting, and adaptive query execution. By understanding and addressing data skew issues, you can optimize the performance of your PySpark applications and make better use of your cluster resources.